(5 minutes before the net begins)
Attention all amateur radio operators, this is ________, net control station for the Rainbow Canyons Amateur Radio Club Friendship Net. This net will be conducted on this repeater at 9 pm local time. All licensed amateurs are invited to participate. Your cooperation for the use of this repeater during net time will be greatly appreciated. This is ________, clear until 9pm.
(On the hour) Attention all amateur radio operators, this is ________, net control station for the Rainbow Canyons Amateur Radio Club Friendship Net. All licensed amateurs are welcome, and invited to participate. The purpose of the net is to:
- Encourage radio activity.
- Prepare amateurs for emergency communication.
- Provide amateurs with an opportunity to conduct a net.
- Provide hams with a common interest a place to meet.
This is a directed net. Please transmit only as directed by net control station. All stations checking in are requested to remain on frequency until the completion of net business. When checking in, please indicate if you have bulletins or other business for the net. If you need to leave early, please check out with net control. Late members and visitors will be called for following normal check-ins.
Tonight I am net control, my call is ________, and my name is ________.
Is there any business for the net? Come now with your call sign. (Conduct whatever business there is.)
We will now proceed with roll call. (Check in members and visitors on the roster)
That concludes the roster as I have it. Are there any late or missed members? Come now with your call sign.
Are there any visitors for the net? Come now with your call sign.
I now declare the net informal and go to the top of the list for comment.
(When all comments are exhausted....) Are there any more late check-ins or visitors or rechecks?
Is there any further business for the net?
Hearing nothing, I wish to thank you for your participation. I encourage you to check in as often as you can. Club information can be found at rcarc.info. 73’s to all.
At (Time) I will now close this session of the Friendship net and return the repeater to normal use. This is ________, clear.