Rainbow Canyons Amateur Radio Club
Club Call WR7AAA  

Local Repeater Information

146.680-PL 100Bumblebee-New Harmony
146.760-PL 123Iron Mountain-Primary repeater for local nets
146.800-PL 100Blowhard Peak-Intermounain Inter Tie
146.940-PL 100Frisco Peak-Intermountain Inter Tie
146.980-PL 100Iron Mountain
147.160+PL 100Mt. Dutton-Panguitch, linked to 448.800 Iron Mountain
147.200+PL 100Tod's Junction-Hatch Intermountain Inter Tie
448.400-PL 100Iron Mountain-FM/DMR
448.800-PL 100Iron Mountain-linked to 147.160 Mount Dutton
449.500-PL 100Iron Mountain-Remote Base (temp Off)
449.600-PL 100Black Mountain-Remote Base Beaver/Minersville
449.925-PL 100Rowberry-Remote Base usually link to 146.760 Iron Mountain